Cook Islanders are devout Christians and Sunday is a day of rest and churchgoing. 库克岛人是虔诚的基督教徒,星期天则是人们休息和上教堂的日子。
Every morning we wake up is the first day of the rest of our life. 每天早上醒来,又是生活的第一天。
Make today the first day of the rest of your new life. 让今天成为你接下来的新生活的第一天吧。
Medical students experiment with make-up during a day of rest in the mountains outside of Tehran. 医科学生在德黑兰的户外的山上游玩,她们尝试着化妆。
The seventh day of the week, Saturday, observed as the day of rest and worship by the Jews and some Christian sects. 犹太教徒和一些基督教派认为,星期六,即一周的第七天,是休息和礼拜的日子。
On six days work may be done; but the seventh day is a special day of rest, a time for worship; you may do no sort of work: it is a Sabbath to the Lord wherever you may be living. 六日要作工,第七日是圣安息日,当有圣会,你们什么工都不可作。这是在你们一切的住处向耶和华守的安息日。
Sunday night goes out with a whimper rather than a bang. Still, it's supposed to be a day of rest. 星期天的夜晚平平淡淡地过去了,但大家还是认为它够得上一个休息日。
Today is my day of rest. 今天是我的休息日。
Labor Day is a day set aside in honor of the working people of the United States and give them an official day of rest. 定这么一天劳动节是表示对美国劳动人民的尊敬并给他们一天法定的休息日。
Catholic spokesman Brian Lucas said the Bible urged a day of rest. 天主教发言人布赖恩卢卡斯说,圣经敦促休息一天。
Today's the first day of the rest of your life. 今天是你生活的新开始。
Today is the first day of the rest of my life; 今天,是我生命的第一天;
After all, today really is the first day of the rest of your laugh! 毕竟,今天确实是第一天,其余的笑!
Today is a day of rest. 今天是休息的日子。
Sunday is the day of the Sun, a traditional day of rest. 星期天是传统的休息日,用太阳来给这一天命名的。
The shops are open every day of the week until late at night, 10 or11 p.m.the same applies to many offices open to the public, which do not have a day of rest. 商铺每天都营业到很晚,晚上10点甚至11点。同样的现象也存在于很多的服务部门,没有一天是可以休息的。
Only stay away for my day of rest. 在我休息日请你不要来。
For those who have been busy at work or school, New Year's may be a day of rest. 对于那些忙着上班和读书的人来说,新年是一个休息日。
Juventus began training again after the day of rest granted by Ranieri after the game against udinese. 对阵乌迪内比赛之后,拉捏利给全队放了一天假,今天尤文图斯重新开始恢复训练。
Labor organizations sponsor various celebrations, but for most people it is a day of rest and recreation. 劳工组织举办各种庆祝活动,但是对于大多数人而言,这是一个休息和放松的日子。
You can come here any day you like except the day of my rest. 你喜欢哪天来都行,除了我的休息日。
How do you feel about the scheduling where he gets an extra day of rest? 你对于赛程安排有什么想法?决赛对手比你多休息一天。
My people have a day of rest every four nights. 我的族人每4个晚上就可以休息一天。
So please accept my apologies for interrupting your day of rest. 所以,今天打搅各位休息我很抱歉。
Then I went home and considered that was the first day of the rest of my life. 然后我回到家,决定让这一天成为我剩下生命的第一天。
Today is the first day of rest of my life. 新年将至,今天是19岁的第一天。
But you can never come a Sunday because Sunday is the day of my rest. 但你千万别在星期天来,因为星期天是我的休息日。
Treatment once a day, a needle for 30 minutes.10 times as a course of treatment, day of rest between two courses of acupuncture 20 times, a total of two courses. 每天治疗一次,一次留针30分钟。10次为一个疗程,两个疗程间休息一天,共针刺20次,共两个疗程。